Here in South Florida, buildings must comply with a 40 year Recertification requirement. This certification requires a building to be up to code on its 40 year birthday. Within that code, buildings are required to meet lighting requirements and often are faced with costly upgrades to general, garage and parking lot lighting. In the past year we have executed several projects where a commercial or residential building was faced with very expensive construction cost to bring their lighting up to code. In many cases we have been able to save property owners a lot of money by replacing antiquated sodium or metal lighting with our enlogik FSL LED Parking lights with enhanced optics often meeting or exceeding the lux requirements of the code with little or no construction cost. Well the word is out and we are now receiving a significant amount of request for help with 40 year Recertification compliance. Call us now!
Here is a project retrofit using enlogik FSL90 LED Street/Parking Lights
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